Tuesday, September 21, 2010

the loop name for 'for' clause in java

Recently I just know such a useful syntax usage of java.

aLoopName: for (;;) {
// ...
while (someCondition)
// ...
if (otherCondition)
continue aLoopName;

Sunday, September 19, 2010

rename command

It's a powerful command to rename files in a batch.


rename 's/(\d+)$/$1\.txt/' * rename add '.txt' extension name for all files that ends with number.

Monday, September 13, 2010

applying proxy for the softwares without proxy support in linux

If you have http proxy, set it to system environment,
export http_proxy=

Then start the application in that same terminal.

If the proxy is socks proxy, use 'tsocks' to wrap the application in terminal.