Monday, March 19, 2012

Dual monitors on Ubuntu

I had two monitors for my workstation. One is 22' and the another is 17'. I used the small one as a extend desktop.

Today I get a another 23' monitor to replace the small one. However the resolution of the 23' monitor can't be changed after pluging it in. It always used the resolution matching the 17' one.

Both 'Setting - Display' and 'AMD Catalyst control' can't adjust it as higher resolution.

After some tuning, I found a workaround.

I totally remove all config of small one from /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Then change its resolution in 'AMD Catalyst control', it works!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Embedding an HTTP server in Equinox

I want to create a test server for my application. Using embedding Http server in equinox is my first option.

I had experience using simple http service implementation of equinox, however I want to play with Jetty this time.

Following the guide of Equinox server, I can't running a Jetty server with my servlet in Eclipse Indigo. Obviously the guide is out of date.

After tuning it, I found below bundles are minimum collection to run Jetty inside OSGi runtime.

You only need create a run configuration of OSGi framework, add your bundles with servlets and above bundles.